Friday, February 24, 2012


I have said it before...even on this blog, I believe.  But I just do NOT understand that my husband and I could have created three perfect little lives...all SO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT in personality.  They all exited the same womb, but act like they are unrelated.  I have just never seen anything like it.  This week highlighted pretty much EVERY difference that my kids have with one another.

My eldest child has anxiety that borders on needing meds.  I am not even joking.  I need to start keeping a journal so that the next time I talk to her pediatrician I will be able to give specific examples.  ie: "We went on an airplane and her father was drinking a water bottle on the way UP to security.  She freaked OUT for the ENTIRE line...screeching/tearing up, "Dad!  Throw it away!  NOW!  They will not let you on the plane.  They will NOT.  Do you HEAR me??  Mom!  Tell him!"  Me: "There is a wastebasket just next to the security station, they will ask him to throw it away there."  Her: "NO THEY WILL NOT!  They will not let him through...he will NOT be allowed on the plane!  When will you all LISTEN to me?????", yeah, that is funny for like 30 seconds...not 30 min as you snake your way through a line toward security surrounded by other people who are prob beginning to think that your hubby actually HAS something "bad" in his water bottle.  When we reached the secruity guard and he asked my husband to throw away his water bottle -- he did -- while looking my daughter SQUARE in the eyes and smiling his biggest smile.  Way to help the situation, big guy.  But, for the record, anxiety queen STILL contends that SHE was right.  We were wrong.  Despite the fact that everyone is home safe and sound from said trip.

This is just the tip of her iceberg.  My eldest is a nervous wreck about everything.  Perfectionist. Bordering on OCD.  All of these traits will eventually serve her well...but right NOW...they are a HUGE PAIN.  Like her anal father, she plans things in her head and by heavens things better pan out that way.  If she wants to play on the swings at recess and you do not...well, you are practically not her friend for the day...may be the end of your friendship with her forever.  There is NO "go with the flow" for her.  We have had the serious talk about "to have a good friend, you must BE a good friend" and this involves give and take.  Yeah....she doesn't really care.

I just had to STOP typing to have a never-ending conversation with her about how she can not use my "Words With Friends"'s a long story but involves the fact that she uses it to also TOTALLY INNOCENTLY text/play the game with her BFF. Well, second child wants in on the action too...wants to try the game.  First child IMPLODES becase her little sister will be able to "SEE" her texts.  Believe's on my phone, I look at the texts all the time...there is NOTHING to "SEE".  So, I have banned them both from the game so that I don't have to deal.  Well, she just came downstairs and gave a great monologue about how me not letting her use WWF is RUINING her best friendship with her friend.  I am the bane of her existence..and her little sister is a VERY close second.  The conversation ended with me winning (of course) no WWF for anyone involved...and now she is upstairs sobbing uncontrollably.  Never mind that "trying to tantrum/yell less" was one of her Lenten promises.  Another one bites the dust.

This is also the same child that OCD checks her backpack for homework/test info a MINIMUM of 3 times before leaving for school.  It's exhausting...but again, this trait will serve her WELL later in life (if she is not too busy washing her hands 76 times before she leaves the house and checking to make sure her front door is locked 25 times before she can acutally get in her car and drive away). 

Enter child #2, possibly the most laid back being on the face of the earth.  On the Spaceship Earth ride at Disney her interactive screen acked her if she preferred to have activities "planned ahead" for her or to "wing it".  My husband said she never batted and eye as she hit and said out loud "Wwwwwing it!"  No truer words spoken.  She is laid back like a dead fly.  And she is a HUGE button pusher...let's be honest...the ONLY reason she wants to try WWF on my phone is b/c her sister does not WANT her to.  It has NOTHING to do with her wanting to expland her vocabulary and critical thinking skills.  Being laid back is great in a LOT of settings...makes life easier on those around her.  I am pretty sure that my 6 yr old's most used word is "Sure".  --
 You want to go to eat Mexican tonight? Sure.  Is it OK if your sister goes first? Sure.  Can you share your snack with your brother?  Sure.  There is a TIME and PLACE for "sure" though!  -- You wanna try a bunch of illegal drugs and then try to fly from roof tops?  .... Let's try NOT to answer "Sure." to that one!!!!!!

As a former teacher, I know that some kids are juse BETTER spellers than others.  BUT, it also helps if the kid CARES about spellling words correctly...which child #2 does not.  She SCOFFS at the idea of "challenge" words...she is JUST fine with her regular list of words, thank you very much.  I mean, why would you want HARDER words??!?!  Ohhhhhh boy.  For real....I practiced her spelling words with her this week no LESS than 70 times.  All words some times...other times just the words she struggled with.  The practice test she took in class was a we hit the words HARD last night...and again this morning.  I'm gonna let you guess how that test turned out.  (she missed 3 out of 12...and none of them had been words that she at ALL struggled with during the week!?!?!?!?).  And I will also let you guess how much she  You'd think as a former educator that I would be equipped to handle the situation and light a fire under her...yeah...not so much.  Gonna have to research this one: I'll google "Kids that don't really give a rip."

I haven't the time to delve into child #3...he is too busy hitting his sisters, tackling people, using swords to knock over toys and furniture items, lassoing this sisters with his pirate belt while he wears a cowboy hat on this head.  I just pray in the years to come that he gets JUST enough of chld #1 to CARE and JUST enough of child #2 to ENJOY life.  My guess is that genetics will not be that kind ;-)

Have a great night all!
xoxo Jennifer

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