Monday, September 5, 2011

What's In A Name?

NO!  I have not abandoned the blogosphere! It just seems that somehow raising 3 children is kind of a full time job....and if you saw the disarray of this house you MIGHT wonder what the heck I have been doing with all my "spare time"....I mean "stay at home" moms eat bons bons and watch soap operas right?  No....we do mass anounts of laundry, sweep mass amounts of crumbs, finally give up the fight against the toys that KEEP getting dragged out of the playroom and start drinking alcohol.  So, you know the truth.  Ha!  And just so we are straight, I DVR ANYTHING that I want to watch, except I JUST discovered "Dance Moms" and I am totally disturbed by this show....I am watching this live while typing so when I stray and have punctuation and spelling errors, just forgive me!  Disturbing reality shows just prove that I am SEMI normal.

So I just have to address the fact that having a birthday AND being an active Facebooker is the BEST COMBINATION EVER.  I mean, yes.....getting a REAL card from a friend in person is awesome....but there is just something about getting a string of continuous "Happy Birthday" greetings from ALL kinds of people.  And the best?  Being able to nail EXACTLY how long you have known a person based solely on how that person addresses you in said birthday greeting!   Here are my cases in point:

If you referred to me as "Jennifer" in your birthday greeting:  I can tell one of several things about our friendship....1. you have known me for a long time and never strayed from my actual name.  2.  you have just recently met me and are uncomfortable with all nicknames  3,  we are FB friends....but I am PROBABLY not going to be calling you to bail me out of jail should the occassion arise....not that it ever WILL....but you see  my point.

If you referred to be as "Bean" or any version thereof:  this is knew me in high school or early college and heard my high school friends calling me this name.  I have several LOVELY young men that I went to high school with to thank for the wide spread panic that is "Bean" -- and no, it does't have ANY good back story.  But it sure does show the longevity of our friendship....and how a few boys in high school can easily brand you with a nickname for life.  Seriously, I met at girl at UK who tried to call me when I was a freshman living in the dorm and could not understand why there was not a "Jennifer Bean" in the UK system.  Yeah...poor girl didn't even know my REAL last name.  She might be reading this blog now....

If you referred to me as "JenKing" or "JK": were probably one of my Theta sorority sisters at UK.  There were too many "Jennifers" around at that I became a shortened version of my first name plus my maiden name.  It has stuck.  And, yep, there are several of you around that I would TOTALLY call to bail me out.....

If you referred to me as "Jen" or "JKH":  you are my post college friends.  Some of my college friends have caved to the JKH...but not most.  Most of you are my neighbors, running buddies, the people that see me at my best and worst on a daily basis.  And, yes, you could very well get a call at 3:00 a.m. from me asking for bail money....I mean, my husband isn't even ON Facebook....someone needs to have my back!!!!!!!!! lol!

If you referred to me as "Mrs. Hayden": ummmmm...please stop!  Bahahaha!  If I have friended you on FB it means that I know you are OLD enough to handle the truth (most likely you are in college...tho a few slipped under my radar early in the FB game)....which also means I think you should refer to me as "Jennifer".  Yes....not calling you for bail money....for goodness sake kids, I TAUGHT YOU!  Yes, my "oldest" class of students are now juniors in college....and youngest are like, what?  Sophomores in high school....freshman?  I am choosing to NOT keep track....I did teach elementary school after all.  But, I will say, any reference to me on my bday really does make me emotional.  Any teacher will tell you that YOU will ALWAYS be my "babies".  Now, please come to my house and explain to MY 3rd and 1st graders that I am NOT the wicked witch hell bent on ruining their lives?  And that YES indeed, I am capable of helping with their homework....Thank you very much!

Any other name you called me....well, who the hell are you people?  No!  I kid!  I  want more and more bday FB wishes.  They ROCK!

And just while we are on the blog topic...y'all are cracking me up with your sweet comments.  Who knew anyone would read this?  Random people stop me in Target, the grocery, at dinner, and talk about reading this.  Cracks me up!  Love it!  And really? ???  Those of you who I used to work with....are you CERTAIN that my blog is REALLY good fodder for Opening Day teacher meeting conversation?  I mean there are young impressionable teachers out there in your school....think carefully before you corrupt them with my blog.  Just sayin'!

Love to all!
xoxo Jennifer

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