Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why Do I Exercise?

Summer is here...and I am amazed at how there is not a single moment in my day to sit and ponder the fun stuff in life on this blog.  I mean, between dance recitals, swim team practices, loads of laundry, and just general life as a mom.....I can already tell this summer is gonna fly by.  The one thing that I do my very very very best to try and schedule every day ( least 5 times/week)???  Exercise.

Whether I hit the gym for treadmill or spinning class, run with friends at 5:30 in the a.m., go to a group bootcamp or training session, or exercise at home....I really do schedule exercise into my day.  The big question is WHY?  I mean, it SUCKS to get up at 5:15 a.m. to run in 85 degree temps (or 25 degree temps as the case may be).  It is a scheduling nightmare if I do NOT get up with the chickens....getting kids ready for swimteam, fed, dressed, to childcare/ready for a baby sitter, and to gym on TIME -- which, let's be honest, NEVER HAPPENS.  So, again, back to the big burning question of WHY?

The greatest answer would be "I have always been an avid runner and exerciser my whole life....I can't remember a time when I didn't love a good run or sweaty workout.  It's just always been a part of my life."  That answer would be a LIE.  I always loved dancing...which is definitely exercise...but my friends from high school will tell you that I did EVERYTHING to try and get out of running the ONE MILE required during freshman year gym class.  Once I hit college...I liked beer, not exercise.  I did not start exercising regularly until I was an adult and ready to start a family.  One of my high school friends was at the finish line when I finished my first 5K and I am pretty sure that she thought she was having a heat stroke or hallucinating when I crosssed the finishline. 

The most politically correct answer would be: to keep my cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, bone density all in check.  To be the healthiest me that I can be.  This would also probably be a lie.  Not that I DON'T want to be healthy.  I DO have genetically high cholesterol....but I also like to eat junk.  And alcohol is my friend.  Sorry.  The truth hurts, people.  So, while I would LOVE for my thighs to not jiggle and my belly to be taut like a drum....I have come to terms with the fact that my love to food/drink and having given birth to 3 children = a body that will NEVER be perfection.  I love the people at the pool who talk about how "modest" the bathing suits are -- I think the quote was "even tiny little people like you who workout like everyday stay all covered up".  I had to explain that, really, after 3 kids there are just parts of your body that the general public doesn't need to see....unless a plastic surgeon is involved....because there ain't no amount of exercise that is gonna erase that mess.

The most honest answer?  Friendship.  Exercise is the ONE time during the day that I actually get to interact with other adults (or be totally alone if I need that as well)....most of them, just like me, are fighting to keep exercise in their daily regimen.  When we run at the crack of dawn, or go to spinning class together, or bitch and complain our way through a bootcamp....we laugh.  We laugh and we talk and we connect.  It's nice to HEAR what is going on with your friends....and typically we all have children we are chasing when we are together....very little actual TALKING or LISTENING can be done under those circumstances.  I enjoy seeing my friends in a kid-free environment...if even for 30 or 40 min.  I love knowing that other moms are fighting the same battles with their kids that I am.  I love the commaraderie that we share.  We laugh about being a "wolf pack" (per The Hangover....) and we are always looking for new members to join our wolfpack.  That's a nice feeling.  A big wolf pack of ladies....actually doing something GOOD for ourselves...our minds, our bodies....all the time talking about what we will be eating/drinking later that day and night ;-)

Find fun friends to exercise makes the torture a LOT more bearable.  Plus, it makes you get up and out of bed at 5:00 a.m. if you know 4 people are waiting for you!!!!!!

Happy beginning of summer, everyone!

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